3.P: Full-Stack App (Express)
Build an Full-Stack Application in a group of 2 or 3 that solves a problem you have using React and Express. Feel free to also use any 3rd-party libraries, Firebase features, or other technologies. In this project we expect that you are developing a React Frontend Application that interacts with an Express Backend Server connected to a Sequelize Database.
App Stack
This project must be a Frontend React Application that communicates with an Express Backend Server that is able to interface with a Sequelize Database to persist information. Both the Frontend and Backend should be protected from malicious behaviour by leveraging Auth0 or JWT.
User Interface
Frontend Application has at least 2 levels of components eg: App component and 1 or more child components
Frontend Application must contain multiple pages this can be implemented with React Router
The Frontend Application is required to protect components from users who are not authenticated using Auth0 or JWT
Backend Application must be able to process GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests
Backend Application is required to persist data in PostgreSQL
Backend Application must use Sequelize ORM to facilitate interface between Express API Server and PostgreSQL
The Database must contain at least 1 One-Many relationship
The Database must contain at least 1 Many-Many relationship
The Database must utilise Sequelize Migrations to generate tables
The Database must leverage Sequelize Seeder files populate data
The Backend Application should protect any sensitive routes leveraging Auth0 or JWT
Code Quality
Application is organised as well as structured, it follows practices of component separation and has a good folder structure
The code is easy to comprehend and read
The application contains meaningful variable and function names
Application contains components that can be reused
The application preforms well without unwarranted rendering
The application's code follows consistent coding conventions, regarding indentations and formatting
The application follows the correct naming, casing and commenting best practices
Project Management
Frontend Application has been deployed using a provider of your choice (Github Pages, Firebase Hosting, Netlify)
Backend Application deployed using fly.io
Git repository contains commits for each feature with descriptive commit messages
Application contains a README with the applications description, user stories, ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) and wireframes
The README contains instructions on how to run the application
Every group member must contribute at least 1 feature into the application
The group worked as a cohesive team to complete the project
Participants of the project should have updated collaboration documents and trackers
As always, try to solve a problem you have. Now that we know SQL, what ideas require stricter data integrity that SQL would be helpful for? Our ideas need not be novel; they primarily need to demonstrate our ability to code well.
Ideas from past Rocket exercises: Meal tracker, workout tracker, reservation tracker, travel planner, art catalogue, bug reporting dashboard, reading list, car rental platform.
Ideation phase 1
Post project ideas in Slack for feedback
SL to review ideas and share feedback
Ideation phase 2 Create planning docs: user stories, wireframes, kanban board
SL to review planning docs and share feedback
Start implementation
MVP deadline Users can complete the primary user story
SL to review code in GitHub, share feedback
Feature freeze
No new features, focus on polishing existing features and code to be presentable
SL to review progress and share post-feature-freeze suggestions
Project presentations
Start by forking Rocket's Bootcamp Project 3 frontend and backend repos that contain an empty CRA app and an empty Express app respectively. This will make it easier for SLs to review your code via pull requests.
To set up Sequelize in your backend repo, you may find Rocket's Sequelize Setup instructions helpful from Module 3's Bigfoot SQL exercise.
To enable frontend and backend servers to communicate with each other, you may wish to set up CORS middleware in our Express app as described in the Express.js submodule.
Rocket recommends deploying our frontend to either Netlify or Firebase Hosting because they allow for client-side routing by React Router, unlike GitHub Pages.
Rocket recommends deploying our backend to Fly.io because Fly provides an easy way to deploy servers to the cloud and connect with a managed PostgreSQL instance.
See Bigfoot SQL M-M exercise for detailed deployment instructions for Netlify and Fly.io.
Submit a pull request to Rocket's Project 3 repo
Add your Project 3 repo link to the Rocket Bootcamp Projects spreadsheet in your batch-specific sheet shared by your SL
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