0.4.2: Common Syntax

Learning Objectives

Understand and apply the following JS language features.

  1. let and const in variable declaration

  2. Block scope (ES6) vs function scope (ES5 and before)

  3. Arrow functions

  4. Template literals

let and const variable declaration

In Coding Basics we may have declared variables with var.

var kilometers = 10;
var randomDiceRolls = [3, 2, 4, 5];

In ES6 we change variable declaration syntax to use let and const instead.

let kilometers = 10;
const randomDiceRolls = [3, 2, 4, 1];

The following sections are guidelines on when to use let vs const.

let for primitive values that change

Use let if the value in our variable is a primitive data type (e.g. number, string, or boolean) and we expect the value to be reassigned.

let kilometers = 10;

const for primitive values that don't change

Use const if our variable's value will not change.

const sidesOfDice = 6;

Reassigning a const variable throws an error.

const pi = 3.14;
pi = 99999; // you will get an error with this line

const for arrays and objects

We typically use const for arrays and objects, even if we plan to mutate the values inside them. This is because arrays and objects (and other variable-size data types over than strings) are known as "mutable" data types, whose variable values are actually "pointers" to "memory addresses" that store the variable-size data type. When we modify arrays and objects, the contents at their addresses may change, but the addresses and pointers themselves do not change, thus const is appropriate for var declarations.

const diceRolls = [3, 4, 1, 6, 1];

We can alter values inside arrays declared with const.

const diceRolls = [4, 2, 1, 4];
// The following affects values inside diceRolls but not the address of diceRolls

But we cannot reassign the value of array variables declared with const.

const diceRolls = [4, 2, 1, 4];
// This will cause an error for reassignment of a const variable
diceRolls = [5];

Comparing mutable data types

Because variables referring to data structures store addresses, we cannot compare the values in 2 arrays with === because === will compare their memory addresses and not values. To compare values in arrays we will need to write a loop.

// This boolean statement will return false
[1, 2, 3] === [1, 2, 3];

Block scope vs function scope

Variables declared with let and const in "blocks" like an if statement will not be available outside those blocks. A block is a section of code surrounded by curly braces {} such as conditional statements, loops and functions. var in ES5 uses "function scope", which makes variables declared with var accessible anywhere within a given function.

Old Way (Function Scope)

var myFunc = function () {
  if (diceRoll === 6) {
    var win = true;
  // This will return true

New Way (Block Scope)

var myFunc = function () {
  if (diceRoll === 6) {
    let win = true;
  // This will error because win does not exist outside the if statement

Arrow functions

Arrow functions are Rocket's preferred syntax for writing functions in ES6 due to their conciseness and wide adoption. There are technical considerations for when to use arrow functions vs other function declaration syntax, but none of them should matter for Rocket's Bootcamp.

1: Arrow function syntax

Arrow syntax is a concise syntax for initialising anonymous functions. Always use const when declaring a function variable (functions are a mutable data type).

const rollDiceArrow = () => {
  var myRandomValue = Math.random();
  return myRandomValue;

Arrow functions with implicit return value

If the right side of an arrow function is a single statement outside a block {}, the function will automatically return the evaluation of that statement. This allows us to write concise functions with arrow syntax.

// Always get 5.
const rollDiceCheatArrowImplicitReturn = () => 5;

// Return result of Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1)
const rollDiceArrowImplicitReturn = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1);

2: Regular anonymous function syntax

Like arrow function syntax except the function is declared with the function keyword.

const rollDiceCheat = function () {
  // always return 6 to win.
  return 6;

3: Named function syntax

Explicitly name the function in the declaration after the function keyword.

function rollDiceNamed() {
  var myRandomValue = Math.random();
  return myRandomValue;

Template Literals

Rocket strongly suggests using template literals for more concise string interpolation. This will help your code be more concise and readable.

Old way: string concatenation

let output = "you rolled " + diceRoll + ". nice job!";

New way: template literals

let output = `you rolled ${diceRoll}. nice job!`;


let and const

Open the console in Chrome DevTools. Reproduce errors from const examples above. What do the error messages say?

Arrow Functions

Turn the main function in any code from Coding Basics (or any function in other code you've written) into an arrow function. Verify the app still works.

Template Literals

Change string output in previous code you've written from concatenation syntax to template literal syntax. Verify the syntax works as expected.